
汉语拼音:shuǐ tǔ



  1. 土地表面的水和土。

    《书·舜典》:“帝曰:‘俞,咨 禹 ,汝平水土,惟时懋哉。’”《国语·周语上》:“水土无所演,民乏财用,不亡何待。” 韦昭 注:“水气不润,土枯不养,故乏财用。” 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·济水二》:“川无滞越,水土通演,役未踰年,而功程有毕。” 碧野 《大巴山人》:“现在,这 鹞子沟 的瀑布和溪水清清,就是周围林木保持了水土的缘故。”

  2. 指水中和陆上。

    《礼记·郊特牲》:“籩豆之荐,水土之品也。” 孔颖达 疏:“其籩豆所荐之物,或水或土所生品类也。”《史记·孟子荀卿列传》:“先列中国名山大川,通谷禽兽,水土所殖,物类所珍,因而推之,及海外人之所不能睹。”

  3. 山川;国土。

    《礼记·中庸》:“ 仲尼 祖述 尧 舜 ,宪章 文 武 ,上律天时,下袭水土。” 郑玄 注:“袭,因也。因水土,谓记诸夏之事,山川之异。” 三国 魏 曹操 《让还司空印绶表》:“水土不平,姦宄未静,臣常媿辱,忧为国累。” 唐 杜甫 《石犀行》:“安得壮士提天纲,再平水土犀奔茫。”

  4. 犹本国;当地。

    南朝 陈 徐陵 《与北齐广陵城主书》:“昔 晋侯 不能乘 郑 马, 赵 将不能用 楚 兵。一非水土,难为骋力。” 唐 冯翊 《桂苑丛谈·赏心亭》:“﹝丞相﹞自 大梁 移镇 淮海 ,未期周,荣加水土,移风易俗,甚洽羣情。”

  5. 指某一地域的自然条件、生活环境。

    《晏子春秋·杂下十》:“橘生 淮 南则为橘,生于 淮 北则为枳。叶徒相似,其实味不同,所以然者何?水土异也。”《三国志·吴志·周瑜传》:“驱中国士众远涉江湖之间,不习水土,必生疾病。” 清 刘献廷 《广阳杂记》卷三:“ 馥庭 向在 广西 太平府 ,极言其山川奇秀,草木鸟兽之瑋奇,而水土大恶,外乡人不可居。” 凌力 《星星草》第十六章:“他要试试 盩厔 的水土能不能使兰、梅生存开花。”


  • First, in terms of me, the land where was you born and grown brought you rich nutrition.


  • Goering did not even know about the raccoons ' release, and the authorities in Berlin tried to stop their acclimatization.


  • The water and soil conservation programme shall be drawn up in accordance with the provisions of Article 18 of this Law.


  • Do water and soil conservation work good, protect and improve our ecological environment is one of our long-term basic national policy.


  • "This substantially erodes China's already-scarce land and water resources, while damaging public health and the environment, " she said.


  • This results can be used for monitoring and forecasting of soil and water loss as well as plan of soil and water conservation.


  • My feelings are profound for the rivers of China's great north, for the air, water, earth and the folkways of that vast and unsullied world.


  • The results of this study can be used to control soil loss, manage water and soil resources and evaluate soil erosion in Yangbi.


  • Abstract: Soil and water conservation in suburbs has different purposes and its benefits vary with its purposes.
