He knew it for a great work, endowed with an authoritative air that only a major poet could command.
他知道这是一部巨著,只有大诗人才能具有诗中所表现的那种权威性。In the dining hall of a monastery in Milan, he painted one of his masterpieces, The Last Supper.
在米兰大教堂的饭厅里,他画下了他的巨著之一,《最后的晚餐》。He had his subject at his finger ends, and at last was ready to begin. He sat down to write.
对于自己的主题,他了如指掌,终于万事俱备,他坐下来去写那煌煌巨著。My speech is rather an old scientist's expection for a great work than a wish of him.
我这个发言,与其说是一个老科学工作者的心声,毋宁说是对一部巨著的期望。Yellow Canons Internal Medicine was the classic work of TCM. It was a monumental medical work which involving in many other subjects.
《黄帝内经》是中医学的奠基著作,是一部以医学内容为主体,涉及众多学科的巨著。It was also the first published account of life in a Soviet labor camp .
这也是第一部描写苏维埃制度下劳动集中营生活的鸿篇巨著。Mr. He said that he will use the structure of the classic Japanese film Rashomon, with its switching between viewpoints, to stage the play.
何念说,他将采用日本经典影片《罗生门》的叙事结构,在不同观点间相互转换,以此来演绎马克思的这部巨著。I read his magnificent book, The Value of Money, which is one of the classics of American economic writing and world monetary literature.
我读了他的巨著《货币的价值》,那是美国经济著作和世界范围内货币作品中的经典之一。The reason his father hid himself away from the world was a literary one, as he threw himself into writing his epic work The Red Wheel.