Draw up a scale floor plan on squared paper, marking in the door opening and windows.
From the lower floors of buildings, escape through windows is possible.
对于住在较低楼层的居民, 从窗口逃生是可行的.
Hotel owners will skip thirteen when numbering floors, or use that floor for storage only.
旅馆老板在给楼层编号时会跳过13这个数, 或仅将13楼用来存放东西.
" The window is so high up and we can't see it clearly from down here.
“ 楼层太高,底下看不清.
If possible, I want a room on the highest floor.
如果可能的话, 我想要间楼层最高的房间.
We've just received the floor plan.
When you get into the lift. Press the button for the floor you need.
Heavy masonry infills start immediately above the commercial floor.
Fibre optic is the only medium that ideally fulfils future requirements.
Shanghai Yangtzi New world Hotel Public Area attendant. Floor attendant.
上海扬子江大酒店公共区服务员, 楼层服务员.
Rock permitted seven canopies, cornices floors, decorative glass, Ambilight, momentum magnificent, magnificent.
七檐佛殿背倚山岩, 楼层飞檐翘角, 殿顶琉璃装饰, 流光溢彩, 气势恢宏, 蔚为壮观.
The uppermost floors will feature the world's highest non - enclosed observation deck.
最高楼层将以世界最高的 非 封闭式观察台为特色.
The distribution of storey shearing force in frame - shear wall structure is discussed.
Are first - aid kits well stocked & readily available on the factory floor?
是否急救 工具箱 在工厂每个楼层妥善保管且随时可以使用?
There is also studio with two bedrooms on each floor.