Within this market, there are three different strata of technologies, known as'stacks "
在这个市场内部, 存在三个不同层级的技术, 成为 “ 叠层 ”
This is also preformed on covered surfaces a stacked assembly : substrate - pre - form - die.
在叠层的组装工艺中,比如基板 - 焊片 - 芯片,即使有部分表面被盖住了,这种气氛同样有效.
Pictured above, several dusty layers leading into this deep chasm are visible.
上图中, 尘土叠层一直延伸到峡谷深处.
The stack has a major axis and two end faces.
Assembly of laminated seal ring. Bolting is hand tight.
叠层密封环组装. 由手工紧固螺栓.
The composite may be formed into cross - plied structures.
Finaally sum up any innovations of laminated molds.
The characteristics of interlayer metal have effect on the performance of whole laminates.
The research showed that there was residual compressive stress in the ceramics layers.
The structure and toughened mechanisms of nacreous layer were introduced to design the laminated composites.
Disc has a Stellited seat lapped to a mirror finish and accurately guided into seat contact.
Designs and manufacture Laminated Bus Bars for Power Electronics, for traction, industrial, automotive, telecom and others.
专业为电力电子 、 铁路牵引系统、汽车电子 、 工业 、 医疗器械 、 军工等各种应用领域设计并制造叠层母线条.
In this paper the stress and deformation in a orthotropic hybrid laminated beam are studied.
The Neoproterozoic Jiuliqiao Formation in the Huainan region consists of sandy , silty, stromatolitic and dolomitic limestones.
安徽淮南地区新元古代九里桥组主要由砂质 、 泥质灰岩,叠层石灰岩和白云质灰岩组成.
Basing on fundamental equations of three dimensional elasticity, and introducting dirac function, a state equation is established.
基于三维弹性力学的基本方程, 引入Dirac函数, 导出了周边固支叠层板的状态方程.