Rigidly enforced standards of aesthetics will ensure that the iPad remains an easy-to-navigate no-clutter zone.
审美观标准的严格实施能确保iPad保持易于操控、组织有序。He is not exactly known for his sense of style, she said.
“他并不是以好的时尚感和审美观著称的”布拉杜莎·尼日表示。But because people often feel pressure to look a certain way, teens with weight issues are more likely to feel misunderstood or isolated.
不过,在外表方面,人们往往感到压力,要看起来符合大众审美观。所以,超重的少男少女更有可能会感到被排挤和不被理解。I mean to say of, really is not these have no fastidious have no and can blame of the esthetic sense and the value mindset.
我想说的,真不是这些无可挑剔无可指责的审美观和价值取向。but different in that Li Bai took the moon as a symbol of his own spirit; while Du Fu regarded the moon as an aesthetic existence.
其异,对于李白,月亮是诗人主体精神的象征,对于杜甫,月亮是其审美观照的对象性存在。Yes, it was part of it, but not because I wanted to conform to social views on beauty or any of that rubbish.
没错,某种程度上是,但不是因为我老想去迎合社会的审美观或其他的一些无聊的想法。Discussion shall be focused on noble men's aesthetic views on woman, with primary analysis on wrong concept of "Helen of Troy" .
重点讨论贵族男子对妇女的审美观,并对“红颜祸水论”的错误观念试作初步的辨析。Its esthetic sense of emphasize grand view and get sorrow to beauty expressed its mental state of race and the cultural mindset.
其崇尚壮美、以悲为美的审美观,表达了三江源各民族的民族心理意识及其精神自慰的文化心态。Art , of course , looks at the world through the psyche, the emotions -- even the unconscious at times -- and of course the aesthetic .