
汉语拼音:kǎ nuò



    • An aroma like bread dough permeates Raul Cano's lab.


    • Meccano, the maker of Erector sets, went bankrupt in 2000.

      制造[建设者]组件的曼卡诺玩具公司, 于2000年宣布破产.

    • Next, the Kano indices are computed and plotted in the A - Kano diagram.

      接着, 卡诺指数计算并绘制在A - 卡诺图.

    • Cano is delighted with the burgeoning success of Fossil Fuels ale.


    • Major Cities: San Salvador, Santa Ana, Mejicanos San Miguel.

      主要城市: 萨尔瓦多 、 圣安娜、梅希卡诺斯 、 圣米格尔.

    • Thermal efficiency; Optimization; Combined cycle; Carnot heat engine; Irreversibility.

      热效率; 最佳化; 复合循环; 卡诺热机; 不可逆性.

    • Poultry Science Department , NCSU. Departmental information.


    • The three - variable Karnaugh map has eight squares.


    • Born and raised in pre - Castro Havana, Cano still has a noticeable Cuban accent.

      由于出生和成长在前卡斯特罗年代的哈瓦那, 卡诺说话仍带有一口浓重的古巴腔调.

    • A new method for expressing the high - degree block of Karnaugh map with two - codes is presented.

      本文还介绍了卡诺图 高维 块的双码表示的新方法.

    • For any irreversible process, the efficiency is less than that of the Carnot cycle.

      任何不可逆过程中, 效率是小于的卡诺循环.

    • This paper studies the irreversible Carnot cycles under the condition of linear and nonlinear heat transfer.


    • Bobby: Our restaurant is called Ristorante Toscano. Our customers come here to have dishes from Tuscany.

      波比: 我们的餐厅名称是托斯卡诺餐厅. 我们的客人是为托斯卡纳菜而来的.

    • Moreover, some theorems are obtained to determine logical adventure and function adventure by karnaugh map.

      此外, 利用卡诺图还获得了判定逻辑冒险,功能冒险的一些定理.

    • Cano made it 7 - 0 with a three - run shot that bounced off the right field foul pole.
