He looks up to Confucian poetry traditional theory as the only criterion.
Finally and significances is being discussed.
Q 4 . What is Imagery ( the common word in review of poem ) in your opinion?
你认为的“意象” ( 诗论中常用词 ) 是 什么 ?
Dai Wangshu's poetics is not a monograph with self - contained system, but some fragmentary reading notes.
戴望舒的诗论不是体系完备的诗学专著, 而是一些零札片论.
Especially the study about the author of Shilun had become the hot talk.
This article aims to talk about its position and function in his poetical theories.
This kind of poetics is closely related to literary and aesthetical view of seeking " harmony ", " humanity ", and " purity ".
这种诗论与其追求 “ 和谐 ” “ 人性 ” “ 纯正 ” 的文学观和美学观紧密联系在一起.
The new number one scholar sits with his friends face to face, talking and drinking.
新科状元与朋友相向而坐, 谈诗论词,把酒言欢.
He is an entrepreneur who spends his spare time on writing and translating.
His publications include 20 kinds of poems, poetic theories and essays.
出版有专著诗 、 诗论、散文等20种.
Conclusion: Chu Bamboo edition On Poetry is not the origin of Preface to Mao Poetry.
因此, 楚简 《诗论》不可能是《毛诗序》的祖本.