
汉语拼音:shī lùn



  1. 有关诗歌的评论文章或创作理论方面的著作。

    《诗刊》1977年第10期:“ 何其芳 同志遵循 毛主席 的文艺思想,以自己的理论研究,为我国诗歌创作的繁荣,贡献了许多很有见地的‘诗论’。”


    • He looks up to Confucian poetry traditional theory as the only criterion.


    • Finally and significances is being discussed.


    • Q 4 . What is Imagery ( the common word in review of poem ) in your opinion?

      你认为的“意象” ( 诗论中常用词 ) 是 什么 ?

    • Dai Wangshu's poetics is not a monograph with self - contained system, but some fragmentary reading notes.

      戴望舒的诗论不是体系完备的诗学专著, 而是一些零札片论.

    • Especially the study about the author of Shilun had become the hot talk.


    • This article aims to talk about its position and function in his poetical theories.


    • This kind of poetics is closely related to literary and aesthetical view of seeking " harmony ", " humanity ", and " purity ".

      这种诗论与其追求 “ 和谐 ” “ 人性 ” “ 纯正 ” 的文学观和美学观紧密联系在一起.

    • The new number one scholar sits with his friends face to face, talking and drinking.

      新科状元与朋友相向而坐, 谈诗论词,把酒言欢.

    • He is an entrepreneur who spends his spare time on writing and translating.


    • His publications include 20 kinds of poems, poetic theories and essays.

      出版有专著诗 、 诗论、散文等20种.

    • Conclusion: Chu Bamboo edition On Poetry is not the origin of Preface to Mao Poetry.

      因此, 楚简 《诗论》不可能是《毛诗序》的祖本.