But that, too, has its difficulties. Just how much a process like this can be shaped by natural selection is unclear.
但这一说也有其困难,它在多大程度上收到自然选择的影响,目前尚不清楚。Wen: We are reforming our judicial system, including taking the right to review death penalty cases up to the Supreme People's Court.
温家宝:中国正在着手进行司法体制的改革,包括上收死刑复核权到最高人民法院。It's become less about when I turn off the office lights and more about when I turn off (at least, mentally) the inbox.
重要的不在于我什么时间关掉办公室的灯,而在于我什么时间关掉(至少,在心理上)收件箱。Or read the company newsletter the next time it lands on your desk.
或者在下一次办公桌上收到公司新闻稿时阅读该新闻稿。He lost to the young Sophocles, whose work was heavily influenced by that of Aeschylus.
他输给了年轻的索福克勒斯,巧的是索福克勒斯的作品很大程度上收埃斯库罗斯的影响。Ann gets many presents from her friends at her birthday party.
安在她的生日聚会上收到了许多她朋友送的礼物!If no ping is received on a connection during the time-out period, a server instance considers the connection to have timed out.
如果未在超时期限内从此连接上收到ping,则服务器实例认为此连接已超时。Sitting there, Mr. Loeb said, they received a text message from the doctor: 'Congratulations, you had a baby girl! '
洛布说,他们坐在车上,收到了一条医生发来的短信:“恭喜,你们有女儿了!”Today, I got a request on facebook - it was a request to add a sibling .