Beyond the undeviating barbed - wire fences were clumps of golden rod.
A faint anise smell is on the air, goldenrod scent.
Karen , X, Shadow X, both are kirins - one of the four knights.
华莲, B' tX, 影子X均为麒麟——四灵将之一.
The unicorn was a total number of films?
As one sits astride a black unicorn.
There is no such things as unicorns.
A Kirin, a Sapporo or a Suntory?
Two gilded unicorns, supposed to protect the hall from evil spirits, guard the entrance.
两个金麒麟, 保护着大殿守护着门口,起着镇妖除邪的作用.
Kirin Kid Prod. And CAC Co. in co - production: The Frogs'cartoon version available soon!
麒麟童携手天维源创倾力制作! 青蛙乐队卡通版即将登场!
To isolate and purify the lectin from red algae Eucheuma gelatinae and to investigate its bioactivities.
These two sacred animals are often used as decorative figures in Miao embroidery.
To the Chinese , the dragon, phoenix, turtle, unicorn, lion and white crane are auspicious and benevolent.
龙 、 风 、 龟 、 麒麟 、 狮子、仙鹤等是人们想象中的瑞禽仁兽.
Music Club in the village and a unicorn team, lion dance teams and Wushu Dui.
该村和乐社中有麒麟队 、 醒狮队和武术队.
The latest Storm Rider Figure - Wind ( Enhance Version ) with transparent monster and metal snow saber.
全新风云武者系列 - 聂风 ( 强化版 ) 配有透明火麒麟及金属雪饮刀.
The carved figures, no more than unicorn, and as a champion of things.
雕的人物, 也无非是麒麟送子 、 状元及第等一类东西.