He possessed a raw energy allied to a feeling of something special.
Something in her responded to his extravagance and his exuberant manner.
There is something frank and joyous and young in the area.
His hand was too strong for such small subjects.
How did he look, Sir? Was he portly, bold, outspoken, and hearty?
他看来怎样, 先生? 他是不是又魁梧 、 又豪放 、 又直爽 、 又精神饱满 呢 ?
This was not the easy Hurstwood of Chicago -- not the liberal, opulent Hurstwood she had known.
这已不是芝加哥的那个自由自在的赫斯渥, 不是她过去认识的那个豪放 、 阔绰的赫斯渥了.
But General de Gaulle had to carry his gallant band of Frenchmen with him.
Jack: People say Samuel L. Jackson is mean and tough.
杰克: 人们说塞谬尔 · 杰克逊又粗犷又豪放.
Passed from generation to generation ; Chile folk songs are bold and unconstrained.
敕 勒歌豪放爽朗,流传至今.
Female s humor means bold and immoral.
He is known for his hyped - up style.
He has a bold and uninhibited character.
Haofang rough features of its sound quality, powerful sonorous, crisp sounds, with distinctive local characteristics.
其音质特征粗犷豪放 、 雄浑铿锵 、 明快动听, 具有鲜明的地方特色.
I love you, ah, I have no money to unknown - HA - specific car - free is good Haofang integrity.
钟情你的我啊, 我虽无钱无名无房无车却诚信专一善良豪放.
He studied famous calligraphers throughout the dynasties including Zhuan , LiShu, Cao , Hang, and Kai.
悟道擅长草书,多以草书之意和草书之法入画, 故作画用笔点画,飞动流转,潇洒纵恣,最终形成了热烈豪放, 沉雄洒脱而近于霸捍的大写意画风.