He sits with a drawn cutlass.
In the middle, the cutlasses lay ranged.
He roared aloud, and his hanger went up above his head, flashing in the sunlight.
他大吼一声, 将他的弯刀举过头顶, 刀子在阳光下闪闪发光.
One of the swords turned into a Christian Crusader's broad sword.
She was badly wounded by a machete and left for dead.
His hair beard like thick and disorderly, fat face, scimitar.
他头发蓬蓬的, 胖胖的脸, 弯刀似的胡子.
Rather than a twin - pod craft , the Scimitar has a single elongated body.
弯刀型用的不是双舱设计, 而是单个的修长机体.
Interlocked repulsorlift thrusters provide the Scimitar with exceptional maneuverability.
Iron Mine: Iron ore is needed for pirate cutlasses, muskets and cannons.
铁矿: 铁矿石是制造海盗弯刀 、 步枪和大炮的必需原料.
He strutted ahead lashing his machete about.
The machete is the weapon of choice.
There was fierce struggle, in which the cutlass was torn from the pirate's grasp.
经过激烈的搏斗, 海盗斯塔奇手中的弯刀被打掉了.
He made a stroke with the machete and the impact snapped it out his hand.
There are plenty of shamshirs, axes, spears, shields , armors, helmets and horses added for Khergits.
为库吉特添加了大量的新装备:波斯弯刀, 战斧, 长矛, 盾牌,护甲, 头盔和马匹.
We use weapons such as a large curved sword and a long rod.