
汉语拼音:duō fèn



  1. 较多的部分。

    宋 苏轼 《观妙堂记》:“是室云何而求我?况乎妙事,了无可观,既无可观,亦无可説。欲求少分可以观者,如石女儿,世终无有;欲求多分可以説者,如虚空花,究竟非实。”

  2. 犹多半,大概。

    元 无名氏 《看钱奴》第三折:“我儿,我这病覰天远,入地近,多分是死的人了。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷十三:“五钱银干什么事?况又去与媳妇商量,多分是水中捞月了。”


    • As workers in a profit - making industry, miners are demanding a larger slice of the cake.

      矿工们身处赚钱的企业, 要求多分一杯羹.

    • A key tool of drilling multilateral horizontal well is retrievable whip stock.


    • After all, Maiga is professional origin. Even his opening moves are 200 scores.

      人家麦加毕竟是专业出身, 出手就200多分.

    • Its dry and more numerous, multi - branched, branches have verrucous protruding objects, there are small thorn branches.

      其干多丛生, 多分枝, 枝上有疣状物突起, 枝上有细刺.

    • I've never seen so many different things to buy alllife - they sell everything from soup to nuts.


    • Annie: After all, Maiga is professional origin. Even his opening moves are 200 scores.

      安妮: 人家麦加毕竟是专业出身, 出手就是200多分.

    • Rockets have 20 + point lead and even Bobcats have started to clear their bench.
