
汉语拼音:duō yì



    • Polysemy, ambiguity, pun are three semantic phenomena which people always concern.

      多义 、 歧义 、 双关是人们一直关注的三种语义现象.

    • Now it's time to direct our attention to criticizing revisionism.


    • The maternal instinct sweetness expect that, mild and ambiguity.

      母性的甜蜜期待, 温和且多义.

    • Semantic opacity covers such issues as ambiguity, vagueness and generality.

      语义不明确包括多义(歧义) 、 模糊与概括(笼统).

    • Polysemy is a significant language phenomenon, and it appears widely in every language.

      摘要一词多义是一种重要的语言现象, 普遍存在于各种语言现实中.

    • Presents an algorithm for polyline clipping based on a multiply connected domain formed by finite loops.


    • When the wicked thrive , so does sin, but the righteous will see their downfall.

      16恶人加多, 过犯也加多.义人必看见他们跌倒.

    • In linguistics , there are different interpretations as to how to understand figurative language, i.


    • In this way, the theme of his works shows multi - meanings, profoundness and obscurity.

      其作品主题表现出多义 、 丰富与朦胧.