Everybody seems to be thinking about money - spending it, borrowing it, lending it.
大家好像都在为金钱费心思,怎么花钱啦, 借钱啦, 贷款放债啦.
One could deposit and lend securities.
I don't advise you go have recourse to the money - lenders.
The moneylender intends to have his pound of flesh.
At the end of 1999 , there were 1 034 licenced money lenders.
年底时, 本港共有1034名持牌放债人.
The creditor has always a better memory than the detor.
I don't advise you to have recourse to the money lenders.
During the year, 864 applications were received.
年内, 放债人注册处共收到864宗申请.
Neither a borrower nor a lender be.
I won't borrow money from the moneylender.
There lived moneylender named Shylock in Venice. He earned a lot by lending money to merchants.
在威尼斯住着一位名叫夏洛克的放债者, 他通过向商人放债赚了很多钱.
The ordinance provides severe penalties for statutory offences such as carrying on an unlicensed money - lending business.
You can borrow money from a moneylender named Shylock. He always has money on hand.
你可以找一位叫夏洛克的放债者借钱, 他的手头总是有钱的.
Loans, in this context, mean funds borrowed from those who have money available for lending.
这里所讲的借债, 是指从那些有钱、可放债人那里借到的资金.
I never thought things would come to this: he, a money lender, borrowing money from me.
我从未想到事情竟然会弄到这样的地步: 他这个放债人倒来向我借钱!