
汉语拼音:rì tán



  1. 旧时祭日之处。在今 北京市 朝阳区 朝阳门 外东南。

    明 嘉靖 九年建。 明 清 二代均于每年春分日遣官致祭, 清 制遇甲丙戊庚壬年由皇帝亲祭。参阅 明 王三聘 《古今事物考·礼义·日月坛》、《清会典事例·礼部·中祀》。


    • Ritan International Trade Center, a giant star of Yapolo.

      日坛国际贸易中心, 雅宝巨星.

    • Ritan International Trade Center is holding grand opening!


    • In the southern part of the outer city is the Temple of Heaven ( TianTan ) .

      在南面的市郊有天坛,在市中心的被面是地坛,东面是日坛,西面是 月坛.

    • He Ping Gallery locates near the south gate of Ri Tan Park ( the Temple Sun ) .

      和平 艺苑,在北京日坛公园南门.

    • If the bags wholesale trade, went on Albemarle Road near altar and take a look at.

      如果是外贸的箱包批发, 就去日坛和雅宝路附近看一看.

    • A I think I'd like to go to Ritan Park.


    • A I think I'd like to see Ritan Park.


    • A I think I'd like to go to Ritan Park. How do I get there?

      A我想去日坛公园逛逛. 怎么去哪里 呢 ?

    • B Oh, you should go. It's really nice. It's so central and so peaceful.

      B哦, 你应该去. 日坛公园非常漂亮. 这个公园在市中心地带,而且非常宁静.