Taken together, the raw ingredients for breakfast in much of the rich world have increased in price by 25% since the beginning of June.
总而言之,自七月初,大多数发达国家早餐的原料成分价格上涨了25%之多。Second, improvements in rich world living standards may, for the moment at least, come from the capture of policy low-hanging fruit.
其次,发达国家生活水平的改善,至少就目前来说,是得益于唾手可得的政策成果。In 2010, we still rank as the world's fattest developed nation, with an obesity rate more than double that of many European nations.
2010年,因为肥胖率比许多欧洲国家高一倍,我们仍然被列为最胖的发达国家。Shang said the scheme will promote multilateral agreements to encourage international governments to support renewable energy.
尚勇说这个多边合作计划将促成多边的合作协议,以此来鼓励各国政府支持可再生能源。他希望发达国家和发展中国家都能参与进这个项目。Japan offers a good example of how much debt a developed country can handle without succumbing to inflation.
日本为发达国家如何处理债务而又不造成通胀做出了榜样。I developed the films and oddly some have not turned out, this don't happen very often, in fact it had not happened in years.
余发达国家奇怪的电影和一些还没有结果,这不经常发生,事实上它没有发生在几年。As one of the developed country, the United States is always assisting the UN to implement its development-aid programs.
作为发达国家之一,美国一直在努力协助联合国完成其制定的发展援助计划。Our infrastructure is ranked 23rd in the world, well behind that of every other major advanced economy.
我们的基础设施世界排名第23,落后于其他任一主要的发达国家。So it was quite an upset when academics found some years ago that this had not been the case in advanced countries over the 20th century*.