
汉语拼音:nà de



  1. 犹哪里。表示反问。

    元 张养浩 《朱履曲》:“那的是为官荣贵?止不过多喫些筵席。” 元 无名氏 《云窗梦》第二折:“见如今惜花人病损,俺娘和茶客钱亲。却教我嫩橙初破酒微温。那的是眷姻?”

  2. 那里。指处所。

    元 无名氏 《赚蒯通》第二折:“ 汉 萧何 忒下的,救他出井底,倒将他斩讫,那的也须放着傍州例。”《七国春秋平话》卷中:“﹝ 齐王 ﹞行至天晚,问人,那的是 满城县 普田村 。”

  3. 犹那个。指事件。

    元 关汉卿 《救风尘》第一折:“耳边休採那等閒食,那的是最容易剜眼睛嫌的。” 元 白朴 《墙头马上》第一折:“自新正为始,得了六日宣限,那的是老夫有福处。”


  • Santana has been dealing with a sore hip and back recently, but he said after the game that it wasn't a factor in any of his miscues .


  • "We have looked at research extending over 100 matches and there is no difference to a grass pitch at all, " he said.


  • Kony appeared to believe earnestly in her mission and ideology and he shared her past as a healer-oracle.


  • and, secondly, by the proportion between the number of those who are employed in useful labour, and that of those who are not so employed.


  • My answer is always the same--it's just as challenging as it is anywhere else in the world. No more, no less.


  • So, this idea that you can keep doing this or doing that . . . and I love this fact that 'We are going to pay for it.


  • A dress, nobody would buy, but it is putting objects, An air conditioning, no man with words, but it is in one of the appliances.


  • We would love to sort of finish up Cynthia 's story, but if I were specific about that, it would spoil the surprise of our storytelling.


  • Darna, in particular, is said to have contributed a bigger proportion of jihadist fighters in Iraq than any other Arab city.
