RESULTS: Aristolochic acid has nephrotoxicity, alimentary canal toxicity, carcinogenicity, mutagenicity and genotoxicity.
结果: 马兜铃酸具有肾毒性 、 消化道毒性 、 致癌性 、 致突变性和基因毒性.
Objective To discuss the main and signs of chronic aristolochine nephropathy ( CAN ) .
目的探讨慢性马兜铃酸 肾病 的主要中医证候.
To establish a limiting detection for aristolochic acid A in Xiaoqinglong mixture.
In addition, the pathology of the Aristolochinc Acid Nephropathy was briefly introduced.
Objective To control the quantity of aristolochic acid in Xinmazhike Granules.
Conclusion There is no aristolochic acid in Xinmazhike Granules.
Asarum is an efficacious traditional Chinese medicine.
CONCLUSION: We should dialectically and rationally use Chinese crude drug containing the component of aristolochic acid.
结论: 要辨证合理使用含有马兜铃酸成分的中药材.
METHODS: We analyzed the causes accountable for the renal toxicity of Aristolochic acid - containing Chinese medicines.
方法:分 析含马兜铃酸类中药引起马兜铃酸肾毒性的原因.
Objective To research the content changes of Aristolochic Acid - A from Aristolochiae Manshuriensis and its processed products.
Food plant: mainly Cruciferae, Leguminosae, Rosaceae , Rutaceae, Aristolochiaceae , Annonaceae , Lauraceae , Apiaceae , Asclepiadaceae and dogbane, etc.
食用植物: 主要为十字花科 、 豆科 、 蔷薇科植物.芸香科 、 马兜铃科、蕃荔枝科 、 樟科、伞形花科等.萝摩科,夹竹桃等.
Method Searching published literatures and website associated with aristolochic acid toxicities and abroad and analyzing them.
To establish a HPLC method determination the content of Aristolochie acid A in Aristolochia debilis Sieb.
Methods HPLC was used to determine the content of aristolochic acid in Xinmazhike Granules.
Objective : To reconfirm the medicinal plants of Aristolochiaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Menispermaceae, Illiciaceae and Magnoliaceae found in Guizhou Province.
目的: 通过修订,确认贵州马兜铃科 、 石竹科 、 防己科 、 八角科和木兰科药用植物的种类.