
汉语拼音:yè hú



  1. 便壶。因多在夜间使用,故名。

    《儿女英雄传》第三九回:“新买的马桶,新打的夜壶,都预备在牀底下。” 郭澄清 《大刀记》开篇十六:“学买卖,就得先学忙饭打食,还得给掌柜的铺炕迭被,拿夜壶,打洗脸水。”


    • Chamber - pot Tu's a sly one --- too sly to overlook you!

      屠 夜壶 多么精细,会忘记了你!

    • " Want to piss ? The urinal's under the bed. "

      “ 撒尿,床底下有夜壶. ”

    • 'sling Chamber - pot Tu out of the factory!

      “ 叫屠 夜壶 滚蛋!

    • " We demand that Chamber - pot Tu be slung out!


    • When the greeny pulled on the leash, a chamber pot slid into view.

      当后生拉动皮带时, 另一端却露出了——只夜壶来.

    • The crowd was taken aback: he was certainly a game'un , this " Chamber - pot "!

      群众出了意外的一怔.潮水停住了.这 “ 夜壶 ” 好大胆呀!

    • Fletcher Christian : Yes, but of course he attempt it in a ninety - one - foot chamber pot.

      弗莱切·克里斯坦: 是的, 但是他当然是在九十英尺的夜壶里别无选择.

    • My chamber pot is used the bedroom as a vase in the morning, filled with flowers.

      夜壶的功能同花瓶是相同的,故该摆放在床头,白天供观赏, 养花之用.