You are working well past midnight, the thesis turned into a maze and you constantly are tom between wanting to find the way out or in.
你们工作到三更半夜,盘根错节的论文一再地让你们在找出解决方法还是一头钻进研究之间弄得进退两难。Once I birthed the male heir I would steal off into the night and raise him a Peterson.
一旦生下个男孩,我就会在三更半夜把他偷出来,让他姓Peterson。Guo Zhong and Huang Lian Po decide to take a risk, and splash paint on the Xians' door in a bid to force them to move.
国忠和黄脸婆为了自家的安危,决定冒险,三更半夜去冼家门外泼漆,要逼他们搬走,却被麦克雷逮个正着。Landlord: A xing, wake up, please. Your zhao shisan, without pay my three-month rent money, take his pregnant wife away during mid-night.
房东:阿星,你醒一醒吧,你那个赵十三,欠我三个月的房租都没付,趁着三更半夜,带他那个大肚子的老婆给我跑掉了。Husband, I know, I will not call you, wait until the information in the dead of night. Because, no such need.
老公丶我知道,我以后再也不用等你的电话丶信息等到三更半夜了。因为,再也没这个必要了。What do you do in a newspaper in the middle of the night? -Emily, my dear. Your only correspondent is the Inquirer.
你三更半夜地看报纸干嘛?-艾米丽,我亲爱的。你唯一的通讯员也是个调查员。It was late one winter night, long past my bedtime, when Pa and I went owling.
在一个冬天的晚上,我跟爸爸出去看猫头鹰,那时候已经三更半夜了,我们一直都没睡觉。Aaron and Sandra are auditors at a large accounting firm. It is very normal for them to work until late in the night during peak season.
Aaron与Sandra是某大型会计师事务所的查帐员,对他们来说,每年忙季的时候加班到三更半夜是家常便饭。17-year-old Zhang Xuekai rode back to Changle, Fujian, in the midnight with luggage.