
汉语拼音:fǎn qián



    • However, it remains the only shipboard - submarine torpedo available for the PLA Navy.

      然而, 它仍然是PLA海军可用的唯一舷侧反潜鱼雷.

    • Naturally, the Allies'anti submarine warfare was improved during the war.

      当然, 盟军反反潜作战是战争期间改善.

    • This lead to the development of the Rocket Assisted Torpedo ( RAT ).

      这导致了 反潜 鱼雷的发明.

    • It would interfere with ASW exercises and cause communication problems for U.


    • The requirements of ocean development and anti - submarine warfare is the main motivation of sonar technology study.


    • The towed array sonar is used extensively in modern antisubmarine, ocean geologic and resources surveying techniques.

      在现代反潜 、 海洋水文和资源勘探测量中,拖曳线列阵声纳得到了越来越广泛的应用.

    • Model 0111 s had hull - mounted, high frequency, active search sonar with three five - tubes RBU 1200 anti - submarine mortars.

      0111S型有一套舰体安装 、 高频 、 主动搜寻StagEar声纳和三具五 - 管RBU1200型反潜迫击炮.