With its spiked shell, beak like jaws, and thick, scaled tail, this species is often referred to as the "dinosaur of the turtle world. "
它刺状的龟甲,鸟喙状的爪,和粗大有鳞的尾巴,使这个品种常被称作“龟中的恐龙”。In a remarkable story of survival, this Hungarian stork was given a new lease on life after being fitted with an artificial prosthetic beak.
在一个不寻常的、生死抗争的故事里,这只匈牙利鹳装上人工仿生鸟喙后,就有了更长的寿命。The Black-faced Spoonbill is a large white wading bird with a distinctively shaped beak - looking like a spoon, or a pi pa.
黑脸琵鹭是大型涉禽,身上长满白色羽饰,鸟喙形状独特,成匙状,又似琵琶。That's the conclusion of researchers who say heat exchange can be added to diet and mate attraction as key drivers of bird beak size.
作出此论断的研究人员表示,除了觅食需要和吸引异性外,热传导性也是鸟喙大小的关键动力之一。bunting: any of various birds of the family Fringillidae, having short, cone-shaped bills and brownish or grayish plumage.
鹀:一种燕雀科鸟类,有短的锥形鸟喙和褐色或灰色的羽衣。killing it with a few blows of its beak.
用鸟喙啄了几下就让这条蛇一命呜呼了。Through the years, evolution has cooked up some pretty remarkable adaptations. The finch's beak, the giraffe's neck and sprinter's toes.
经过漫长的岁月,生物进化造就了不少令人叹为观止的奇迹,比如金翅雀的鸟喙、长颈鹿的脖子,还有短跑运动员的大脚趾。Physical characteristics that are important in bird identification include colors, markings, and bill or beak.
羽色、特殊标记以及鸟喙形状等特征在鸟类识别中有很大作用。The bill of the bird can be sharp and curved, short and rounded, large or small, up high or down low.