
汉语拼音:chāi yì




  1. 封建时代派民户轮流供官府驱使的徭役。

    宋 苏辙 《三论分别邪正札子》:“天下皆思僱役而厌差役,今五年矣。”《元代白话碑集录·一二八八年无锡免秀才杂泛差役诏碑》:“今后在籍秀才,做买卖纳商税,种田纳地税,其餘一切杂泛差役,并行蠲免。” 清 恽敬 《三代因革论》七:“差役则民劳而财日匱,僱役则民逸而业可常。”

  2. 旧时在衙门中当差的人。

    《红楼梦》第九三回:“再者,也整治整治这些无法无天的差役才好。” 巴金 《忆·最初的回忆》:“于是差役又一五一十地下着板子,一直打到犯人招出实话为止。”


    • Qing Dynasty officials to send regular patrols along the tree corvee situation.


    • He rose from errand boy to president.


    • The runner was full of tricks.


    • And the attendants , slapping Him about, took Him.

      差役就把?拉过去, 用手掌打?

    • The word just said arc corvee reports: " Yesterday evening has a tiger to come out person. "

      话刚说完,就有差役来报告: “ 昨夜有老虎出来伤人. ”

    • Thellos guy used to chat and play with me day and now he was Worm's husband.


    • But Satan and his messenger, these masters, also has pretended the miracle which Moses executes.

      可撒旦和他的差役 ﹑ 那些术士, 也假冒了摩西所施的神迹.

    • This is not a great labour . and it may prove a real interest.


    • And when it was day, the magistrates sent the serjeants, saying, Let those men go.

      到了天亮, 官长打发差役来, 说: [放那两个人吧.

    • So the band of soldiers, the tribune, and the Jewish guards seized Jesus, bound him.

      于是兵队 、 千夫长和犹太人的差役拘捕了耶稣, 把他捆起来.

    • Jn the chief priests and the attendants saw Him, they cried out, saying, Crucify!

      约十九6祭司长和差役看见他, 就喊著说, 钉他十字架!

    • As soon as the chief priests and their officials saw him, they shouted, Crucify!

      6祭司长和差役看见他, 就喊着说, 钉他十字架,钉他十字架.

    • See inside also have a duty, say questioningly: " How, came arc corvee? "

      见里面也有个公差, 诧异地说: “ 怎么, 又来了个差役? ”