Qing Dynasty officials to send regular patrols along the tree corvee situation.
He rose from errand boy to president.
The runner was full of tricks.
And the attendants , slapping Him about, took Him.
差役就把?拉过去, 用手掌打?
The word just said arc corvee reports: " Yesterday evening has a tiger to come out person. "
话刚说完,就有差役来报告: “ 昨夜有老虎出来伤人. ”
Thellos guy used to chat and play with me day and now he was Worm's husband.
But Satan and his messenger, these masters, also has pretended the miracle which Moses executes.
可撒旦和他的差役 ﹑ 那些术士, 也假冒了摩西所施的神迹.
This is not a great labour . and it may prove a real interest.
And when it was day, the magistrates sent the serjeants, saying, Let those men go.
到了天亮, 官长打发差役来, 说: [放那两个人吧.
So the band of soldiers, the tribune, and the Jewish guards seized Jesus, bound him.
于是兵队 、 千夫长和犹太人的差役拘捕了耶稣, 把他捆起来.
Jn the chief priests and the attendants saw Him, they cried out, saying, Crucify!
约十九6祭司长和差役看见他, 就喊著说, 钉他十字架!
As soon as the chief priests and their officials saw him, they shouted, Crucify!
6祭司长和差役看见他, 就喊着说, 钉他十字架,钉他十字架.
See inside also have a duty, say questioningly: " How, came arc corvee? "
见里面也有个公差, 诧异地说: “ 怎么, 又来了个差役? ”