I will buy and friends learned the truth that be an upright person communication, extracurricular much to absorb the knowledge.
我会买和朋友的交往中学到做人的道理,课外多吸收知识。But, right now the buy and hold days may be over for the next few years.
但是,现在买和持有数天的情况可能超过持有未来数年。While I ve seen some pretty cheap netbooks, especially those that are subsidized, nothing tops the current offer from Best Buy and Sprint.
我曾经看到过很多相当便宜的上网本,尤其是那些补贴过的上网本,但是没有哪一台有百思买和Sprint的当前价格来得便宜。Within a month, a business publication reported that buying and selling had increased greatly.
一个月内,一个商业刊物报道,买和卖都有很大的增长。It's quite possible, especially given the overbought and over-bullish condition of the stock markets.
它很可能,尤其是考虑到超买和股市的过度看涨条件。Obviously the question where the goods were purchased and sold is important.
货品在何处买和卖显然是重要的问题,但还有其他问题需要考虑。Real estate website Trulia. com has looked at major real estate markets across the country and asked: Is it cheaper to buy, or to rent?
房地产网站Trulia.com研究了美国的主要房地产市场并提出一个问题:买和租哪一个更划算?It issues decrees and none may buy or sell unless they think and do as it does.
它会发布命令并且必须和它的想法和做法一致才能买和卖。The Seller has sold and the Buyer has bought the commodities, specified in the purchase order for every consignment.