Paul's request presented a bit of a challenge since I am by no means an expert on Africa, but it was a welcome one nonetheless.
保罗的这一要求对我来说可谓是一个小小的挑战,因为我绝不是什么非洲问题的专家,不过,我还是很乐意地接受了这项任务。It's been a mad year for investment banks trying to recruit in Asia.
年可谓是投行在亚洲疯狂招兵买马的一年。That mounted the clouds and rode the mist, after living the fear did not catch up with, you to miss this class love rocket.
那可谓腾云驾雾,生害怕赶不到后你就错过了这班爱情的火箭。chang cheh was not just a star maker - he could draw the best from every actor . they saw in him their mentor.
他不但能塑造明星,也能令每一位演员都尽情发挥其所长,可谓伯乐适逢千里马。Google, as you know, has a well-known history of infringing on the privacy rights of America's Internet users.
你应该也了解,谷歌对美国网民隐私权的侵犯史可谓人所共知,源远流长。The feat would qualify as creation of life in a test tube if it weren't for one thing: Szostak's lab does not rely much on test tubes.
若不是绍斯塔克实验室并不太依赖试管的话,这项成就可谓“在试管中创造生命”。While many in the U. S. may not have heard of Renren, the company has been a quick or early mover in a number of areas, Chao points out.
赵克仁指出,尽管人人在美国的知名度不算高,但该公司在许多领域行动迅速,可谓先行者。It was an improvement on the embarrassing 37 he had rolled during a stop on the presidential campaign trail a year ago.
这与一年前他在总统竞选期间只得到37分的糟糕成绩相比可谓进步不小。To Tang Qingwei, a 22 -year-old Fudan University senior who was one of the organizers of the hike , last week was a life lesson .