
汉语拼音:lǐng jūn



  1. 官名。

    东汉 末 曹操 为丞相时所设,为相府属官,后更名中领军; 魏 晋 时改称领军将军,均统率禁军。 南朝 沿设, 北朝 略同。与护军将军或中护军同掌中央军队,为重要军事长官之一。 隋 代设左右领军府。 唐 代左右领军卫为十六卫之一,设上将军、大将军及将军,宿卫宫禁。 金 代设左右领军卫大将军, 元 代设领军将军,均专司扈从事务, 明 代废。《文选·潘岳<杨荆州诔>》:“或统驍骑,或据领军。” 李善 注:“ 贾弼之 《山公表注》曰: 杨恪 ,字 仲义 ,驍骑将军。生 暨 ,字 休先 ,领军将军。” 唐 段成式 《酉阳杂俎·肉攫部》:“ 高帝 武平 初,领军将军 赵野叉 献白兔鹰一联。”


    • We are becoming one of the market leaders in the fashion industry.


    • X - RITE IncorporatedX - RITE is the global leader in color science and technology.

      爱色丽 公司简介:爱色丽是色彩科学和技术的全球领军企业.

    • Bull , made by Austrian company Red Bull GmbH, is a market leader.

      由奥地利公司RedBullGmbH生产的“红牛”(RedBull) 是一种市场领军饮品.

    • Cynovo, an innovative team, is becoming a forerunner of MID industry!


    • Fashion guru Giorgio Armani has joined Chelsea.


    • Who will lead China automobile lubricant oil market?


    • We are delighted to host the New Champions at this'summer Davos'in Tianjin.

      我们很高兴能在天津举办 “ 夏季达沃斯”新领军者年会.

    • The Nets , led by Kidd, displayed great resilience and won in the end by 11 points.

      由 奇德 领军的篮网队展现相当韧性,最后终于以十一分之差获胜.

    • This established MixPro ? design is widely recognized by industry as a leader side entry agitation equipment.


    • So he had his chariot made ready and took his army with him.


    • That would include China, where the group is a leading foreign presence, but not south - east Asia.

      这将包括家乐福已经是外国领军企业的中国, 但不包括东南亚.

    • From the Aegean to Afghanistan, he had marched twenty - two thousand miles and never lost a battle.

      他领军从爱琴海到阿富汗, 长征了两万两千哩,战无不克.