
汉语拼音:qíng shāng



  1. 犹商量。

    茅盾 《林家铺子》三:“他还是不肯花重利去借庄款,他去和 上海 号家的收账客人情商,请他再多等这么一天两天。” 钱锺书 《围城》六:“同事里 赵辛楣 的英文是有名的,并且只上六点钟的功课,跟他情商请他代 孙小姐 的课,不知他答应不答应。”


    • Guy was elected leader and then found to have the highest EQ on a nominal measure.


    • The Shanghai collector was uncompromisingly firm in his refusal.


    • Can't we fix this up now in some amicable way?

      我们现在能够用友好的态度把这件事情商妥 吗 ?

    • Perhaps it is because of differences in a person's EQ.


    • That's why two are so different in IQ and temperament.


    • Managing emotions . Handling feelings appropriate is an ability that builds on self - awareness.

      了解自己的情绪. 自知——在情绪发生时能够识别 —— 是情商的基础.

    • People are often mistaken in thinking that those with high IQs always have high EQs as __ well.


    • No matter which aspect you are good at, you should have a high EQ.

      无论你有哪方面专长, 情商都一定要高.

    • Therefore, in college education, it is of far - reaching significance to train and enhance students'quotient consciously.

      因此, 在学校教育中, 有意识地培养、训练、提高学生的情商,具有积极而 深远 的意义.

    • Emotionally intelligent persons are also sensitive to other people's feelings and listen to others well.


    • Self - awareness -- recognizing a feeling as it happens -- is the keystone of emotional intelligence.

      自知 —— 在情绪发生时能够识别 —— 是情商的基础.

    • Besides IQ, EQ , AQ, HQ , there must be more quotients that we haven't known.

      除了智商 、 情商、逆境商 、 健商, 一定还有更多的商数我们还不知道.

    • Results: Ther are some deficiency in medical workers'thoughts. humane knowledge and emotional quotient.

      结果医务人员的思想, 人文知识,情商方面有所欠缺.

    • Daniel Goleman, author of the best - selling book Emotional Intelligence, offers an explanation for this.

      对此,丹尼尔?戈尔曼在其 畅销书 《情商》中给出了解释.

    • Intellectual economy requires for people with modern personality, the ones with high IQ and EQ.

      知识经济要求全面发展具有现代人格的人, 即智商和情商双高的人.

