The number of terms actually used depends upon the rapidity of the convergence.
The result suggests that pressure magnitude, pressurizing velocity and manner, and etc.
表明压力高低 、 加压速度快慢、加压方式等对油藏渗流和变形产生显著影响.
Its size indicates the speed rate that economic benefits level raises.
Take a long walk together, at your child's pace.
It is only how fast an object moves that its speed indicates.
The speed of hair pin expanding is adjustable.
The range of turbulent velocities determines the relative proportion of small and large.
It's a mindset thing, not a factor of how fast you are moving.
耐心是心态问题, 和行动快慢无关.
Adjust how much the pointer speed accelerates as you move the pointing device faster.
Gravure printing ink drying of fast and slow, depending on the speed of volatile solvent inks.
凹印油墨干燥的快慢, 主要取决于油墨溶剂的挥发速度.
I generally advise walking more slowly than normal, but the pace can vary.
我通常是建议用比平常再慢一点的速度, 但是速度快慢是因人而异的.
By drive threshold, we mean how quickly the dog perceives a threat and responds to it.
所谓“驱力阈值”, 就是指犬察觉并对某一威胁作出反应的快慢.
After steel parts are welded, the cooling speed directly affects the quality of welding.
钢零件焊后, 冷却速度的快慢直接影响焊接质量,预热是降低冷却速度的一种手段.
The successful experience of applying synchronous tooth - belt driving in roller mills is presented.
The relationships between developmental velocity, birth sequence and its biological characteristics in two species of insects.