So we got a backwater drift to sign the charter.
Run around this bombed - out backwater with a silver key up our tokhes?
Standing water like this gives malarial mosquitoes the perfect place to breed.
To those poor boys from the youth led to the stagnant water.
Become a city stagnant water, water, dirty view water.
形成一块块城市死水 、 臭水 、 脏水景观.
Litigation begins to collect, like algae on a still pond.
贸易诉讼开始不断涌现, 就象死水里特别容易孳生藻类.
The bayous and backwaters are breeding grounds for mosquitos.
Stagnant water breeds mosquitoes.
Think you the spirit is a still pool which you can trouble with a staff?
In many emergencies, only contaminated surface water ( standing water , streams, or rivers ) is initially available.
在很多紧急事件中, 起初仅有已污染的地表水 ( 死水 、 溪水或河水 ) 可用.
Raising fish in ponds of standing water can work well on a traditional farm.
As worms are bred in a stagnant , so are evil thoughts in idleness.
虫蛆在死水里滋生, 罪恶在懒惰中长成.
As worms are bred in a stagnant pool, so are evil concerns in idleness.
虫蛆在死水中孵化, 邪念在懒惰中养成.
Affairs Bureau, cadres of peace to the middle - aged Jane, living like a subdued Tan stagnant water.
民政局干部简和平人到 中年, 生活波澜不惊犹如一谭死水.
She looked bloated , like a body long submerged in motionless water , and of that pallid hue.