Beaufort had entered the little house with his usual easy assurance; but he could not smile away the vertical line between his eyes.
博福特带着惯常的悠然自信走进那所小房子,但他的笑容却抹不掉眉心那道垂直的皱纹。Excuse me between the eyebrows, nose and bazoo are placed, place of facial ministry other are with the body those viscera linked together?
请问眉心,鼻子和鼻夹,脸部其它部位都与身体那些脏器相连?The blow took him on the nose (between the eyes).
这一拳打在他鼻子(眉心)上。I mean she can get mad but she never stays mad for long, and her eyebrows come to a little point in the middle.
我是说她会生气但她从不一直生气。还有,她的眉心有一点痣。Within hours of the Reptile House opening in 1849, a keeper was killed when a cobra jumped up and bit him between the eyes .
1849年,就在爬行动物馆开放的几小时内,一位动物管理员即被一条跳出来的眼镜蛇咬中眉心并当场死亡。His eyes suddenly cold, down to the mouth, his lips two deep lines, his exultant , Mei Xin Road, put up several notch.
他的眼光蓦然冷漠,嘴角向下垂,露出唇边两条深深的纹路,他的眉飞色舞,眉心竖起了好几道刻痕。Fear: eyebrows raised and pulled together; raised upper eyelids; tensed lower eyelids; lips tightly stretched horizontally back to the ears.
恐惧:眉毛挑起并往眉心靠拢,上眼睑抬高,下眼睑绷紧;嘴唇朝耳朵方向扁平拉扯。CAP with a drooping leather visor partly concealed his face, burned and tanned by sun and wind, and dripping with perspiration.
一顶皮檐便帽压齐眉心,把他那被太阳晒黑、淌着大汗的脸遮去了一部分。Say that finish, will rune fell into the red fire among the eyebrows.