汉语拼音:yǒu kǒu jiē bēi
比喻人人称赞。宋普济《五灯会元》卷一七:“劝君不用镌顽石,路上行人口似碑。” 碑:记载功绩的石碑。
- 【解释】:碑:指记功碑。所有人的嘴都是活的记功碑。比喻人人称赞。
- 【出自】:宋·释普济《五灯会元》卷十七:“劝君不用镌顽石,路上行人口似碑。”
- 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含褒义
FM is the kind of word-of-mouth game that any football fan needs to play just to see what all of the fuss is about.
FM是在众多球迷中有口皆碑的游戏,你可以在里面体会到足球的方方面面。With her beguiling looks and easygoing charm, Faith Hill often comes across as country music's proverbial girl- next- door.
可人的容貌、平易的风度,费思·希尔在乡村乐坛一向是个有口皆碑的邻家女孩儿。His choice came from the heart since he had many offers to evaluate, and it is renown that Milan usually reward the choices of the heart.
他的选择是发自内心的,因为他拒绝了很多其他球队的邀请,而同时米兰对于忠心球员的回报也是有口皆碑的。They kind of out of the potato, taste good, enjoy great popularity among the people.
他们种出来的马铃薯,味道之佳,有口皆碑。Before you laugh, remember that Playboy is well-known for the high quality of both its fiction and its journalism.
别笑,要知道《花花公子》杂志的小说和采编质量有口皆碑。Founded in 2006, the company team from the Shenzhen Venture Fu Qi Rui Corporation, the industry reputation!
公司成立于2006年,公司创业团队来自深圳琦富瑞集团公司,在业界有口皆碑!Our corporation is credibly well-known all over the area. We will treat every customer with eternal responsibility, also loyality.
我们的公司的信誉在业界是有口皆碑的。我们对待客户的态度是永远负责,永远诚信的。We had a brilliant prosperity of the Han and Tang Dynasties, the four great inventions are legendary.
我们曾有过灿烂辉煌的汉唐盛世,四大发明更是有口皆碑。From there, word spread of her skills and business grew rapidly.