
汉语拼音:wǔ jù



  1. 以舞蹈为主要表现手段的戏剧形式。


    • Note: and dance drama troupes include opera and light music troupes.

      注: 歌舞剧团包括歌剧,舞剧,歌舞剧团.

    • Old specifically opera, later used as a theater, drama, opera, dance, epic, etc. general.

      旧时专指戏曲, 后用为戏剧 、 话剧 、 歌剧 、 舞剧 、 诗剧等的总称.

    • Exuding a fresh national flavor , these works showed the continued vivacity of musical creation in China.

      这些舞剧、音乐更具有崭新的鲜明的民族个性, 显示着音乐创作的勃勃生机.

    • Note: Song and dance drama troupes include opera, dance and light music troupes.

      注: 歌舞剧团包括歌剧、舞剧 、 歌舞剧团.

    • I was born dancer, ballet is my life - both dancers and simple and beautiful story, hauntingly.

      我就是天生舞者, 我的生命就是舞剧 —— 舞者和剧情都简单而优美, 让人流连忘返.

    • The living theatre is something new to me . Never see this kind of play before.


    • The show was short lived, however, as Flatley left Riverdance amid controversy in 1995.

      然而这出舞剧的寿命极短, 1995年, 弗拉特利在一片争议声中离开了《大河之舞》的舞团.