Ni Zhou Yong said such a mouth, it was a fear of Health.
周咏霓嘴里这么说着,心里却生着一片恐惧。But watching the solid backbone of the Chenoua, my heart would grow calm with a strange certainty.
但是望着西纳瓦山那坚实的脊梁,我的内心却生发出一种奇怪的确定感,逐渐平静了下来。In some cases, a beautiful mother turned out to give birth an ugly child, gentlemen may feel deceived when choosing a wife.
像有些例子,一个漂亮的妈妈结果却生下了不太漂亮的孩子,男士们就会感到选妻子时受了欺骗。This maybe a capitalist country, but I was born in a communist family.
这也许资本主义国家,可是我却生在了共产主义家庭。i mean, believing youre about to give birth when youre not.
我是说以为自己要生了但实际上却生不出来He also made a cup of tepid tea for you. The old tea-leaves tasted acerbic but perk up your spirits.
他又倒了杯温热的茶给你,久浸的茶叶已经发涩却生津提神。They enjoy the same sunshine, the same soil, the same conditions, afterwards, poplars, and why grow tall ginkgo biloba is born to short?
它们享受同样的阳光,同样的水土,同样的条件,到后来,白杨为什么长得高大,而银杏却生得矮小呢?Leah was tender eyed; but Rachel was beautiful and well favoured.
利亚的眼睛没有神气,拉结却生得美貌俊秀。Could it ever be ethical to conduct research that produces sick babies in the hope of figuring out how to make healthy clones?