Being of one mind and absolute sincerity, striving for the superexcellence!
同心协力、精诚至一, 追求卓越!
We would like to sincerely cooperate with all colleagues, create brilliant.
我们愿与各界同仁精诚合作, 共创辉煌.
Earnest and sincere cooperation, conspire together the development, create the brilliancy together!
精诚合作, 同谋发展, 共创辉煌!
You are absolutely right. We should be more cooperative.
你是对的, 我们应该精诚合作.
We are expecting to cooperate with you to achieve a brighter prospect.
Is willing to cooperate sincerely with foreign merchants to our efforts to create your brilliant!
Welcome the general new old customer presence instruction - ------- Hopes our absolute sincerity cooperation, creates magnificently!
欢迎广大新老客户光临指导 -------- 愿我们精诚合作, 共创辉煌!
Serves for you, with your absolute sincerity cooperation, the communal development, is our without limits pursue.
为您服务, 与您精诚合作, 共同发展, 是我们无止境的追求.
Our company, aiming at high quality andeffciency, is willing to cooperate with all friends word wide.
公司坚持“以质量求生存,以科技求发展”的经营理念,在互惠互利的基础上, 愿与中外客商和朋友精诚合作.
Sincerely welcome friends and abroad with the establishment and development of our business relationship, sincere cooperation.
热诚欢迎海内外朋友与我们建立和发展业务关系, 精诚合作.
While keeping high quality, innovating constantly, strengthening sincere cooperation with business partners are the key aims.
保持高质量, 不断创新, 加强与生意伙伴的精诚合作,这是我们永茂公司的核心宗旨.
People - oriented, sincere cooperation in the development of innovative design are the source of power.
以人为本, 精诚合作是创新设计发展的动力之源.
Elvis International Group Yuanyuguangda old and new friends together, sincere cooperation, create brilliant Albert CHAN.
猫王国际集团愿与广大新老朋友携手, 精诚合作 、 共创辉煌伟业.
We should set our differences by and work together for a common course.
The company pursues a better development a sincere cooperation with clients from abroad.