汉语拼音:kāi chéng bù gōng
以诚意相见,坦率无私地表示意见。《三国志·蜀书·诸葛亮传评》:“诸葛亮之为相国也…开诚心,布公道。” 宋许月卿《次韵陈肇芳竽赠李相士》诗:“集思广益真宰相,开诚布公肝胆倾。”
- 【解释】:开诚:敞开胸怀,显示诚意。指以诚心待人,坦白无私。
- 【出自】:《三国志·蜀志·诸葛亮传·评》:“诸葛亮之为相国也,抚百姓,示仪轨,约官职,从权制,开诚心,布公道。”
- 【示例】:上头的公事是叫地方官时时接见商人,与商人~,联络一气。
◎清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第五十四回 - 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语、状语;含褒义
Sometimes, honest communication is all it takes to weather relationship crises and maintain healthy relationships.
有时候,缓解关系危机、保持亲情关系健康需要的只是开诚布公的交流。The lesson of that was that we have to talk about it.
我们吸取的教训是,我们必须开诚布公的谈论这个问题。Ideally, politicians who want to save the planet would be honest with voters about how much this will cost.
理想情况下,希望挽救地球的政客们都应该对其选民开诚布公,表明征税行为带来的代价。Doing things openly and by the book will be a bit of a novelty for a Greek government.
开诚布公且按照常规行事对希腊政府来说有些新颖。It would be nice for me to be able to carry on a civilized conversation with you.
能和你进行一次开诚布公的谈话,我真感到快乐。I've been reading a few recent messages and I decided to get a few things off my chest and clarify things for all those accompanying me.
我一直有留意最近的一些新闻,我决定开诚布公,澄清这些伴随着我的坏事情。JH: I personally believe with open dialogue and shall we say with a good intent from all parties it would be very easy to achieve.
我个人相信开诚布公的谈话和各方友好地交流能使这项工作变得更轻松一点。"Now fire away, " he said, when he had got his guest into a shirt and a pair of duck trousers.
他给客人穿好衬衫和帆布裤,说:“现在,请你开诚布公地讲吧!”Hence, ladies, if you want something, you've just got to be blatantly frank about it.