Some missionaries came from England in the Qing Dynasty.
The novel is full of references to the events in the Ching Dynasty.
Officers always went out in sedan chairs in Qing Dynasty.
This stage was indeed built in the Qing Dynasty.
All official robes in Qing dynasty had horse - hoof - shaped cuffs.
The following Qing Dynasty also resided in the Forbidden City.
Le an custom - hing in the mid - Qing, Wang in the late Qing Dynasty.
乐安 风俗兴于清朝中叶, 旺于清朝后期.
The N ü zhen tribe defeated the Ming dynasty and founded the Qing dynasty.
This is a Qing dynasty grave with a time - honored history.
In the Qing Dynasty, people used small steelyards to weigh silver.
清朝时, 人们用等子来称量银子的重量.
After overthrowing the Ching Dynasty, Sun Yat - sen met with defeat.
推翻清朝以后, 孙中山 失败了.
Picture says history: Ching dynasty so far diploma complete works of!
图说历史: 清朝至今的毕业证书大全!
At Qing Dynasty, it was a part of Imperial Summer Resort.
Qing dry, Kerry times, it was the heyday of Lotus Pond.
清朝的乾 、 嘉时代, 是莲池的鼎盛时期.
In the Qing dynasty, the army destroyed the South Shaolin Temple.
在清朝, 朝庭的军队摧毁了南方少林寺.