This year's excavations may reveal ancient artifacts.
The sanctuary lamp and the metal furniture were bronze.
Then they remove each item for study, carefully recording the grid in which it was found.
然后,他们取出每件器物加以研究, 仔细记下该物件所在图格.
This implement was found smashed and burnt when unearthed.
These artifacts can be the spoils of war, unlike gold and equipment.
这些史前古器物会在战争中受损, 而不像金币和装备一样.
Only two of the original six sun discs have been restored.
Whole implements if one blue grass spend, fragrant and simple and elegant.
整个器物如一只蓝草花, 芬芳淡雅.
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Some of the artifacts contained inscriptions in the ancient Aramaic language , It'said.
通讯社声称,一些史前古器物含有用 古亚拉姆 语提的碑铭.
Morley: Look at these Shang and Zhou pieces.
莫理: 来看这些商、周的器物.
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Excavations this year may ancient artifacts.
This enamel porcelain features bumpy middle , smooth loach - back - like support, and shoulders with smooth and natural line.
此款珐琅彩瓷器造型特点:腹部丰满, 底足为光滑的泥鳅背, 器物肩部线条流畅自然.
Academia vigorous a research campaign because of the important bronzes " posy. "
由于 器物 铭文非常重要, 学术界 迅速掀起了研究的热潮.
Chien - Wen content removal policy, detailed account of the tomb of the funerary objects.
简文内容为遣策, 详尽地记载了墓中的随葬器物.