
汉语拼音:xiāng zhī



  1. 芳香的脂膏。

    元 黄庚 《夜宴》诗:“碧浮金鼎香脂煖,红闪银臺烛泪乾。”

  2. 一种化妆品。用硬脂酸、凡士林、杏仁油等原料制成。


    • Add a dash of balsamic vinegar.


    • The special cream will help to soften up your skin.


    • Furniture, Furniture Fittings and Fixtures, Handicrafts, Flooring, Granite, Incense and Agarbatti.

      采购产品家具, 家具配件和设备, 手工艺品, 地板, 花岗岩, 香和香脂.

    • Incense and Agarbatti, Incenses , Masks , Canes , Oil Incense and Agarbatti.

      采购产品香和香脂,香,面具, 手杖, 油香和香脂.

    • Incense and Agarbatti, Carpets, Rugs, Mats and Durries, Essential Oils and Aromatics.

      采购产品香和香脂, 地毯, 毯子, 垫和棉花地毯, 香精油和芳香剂.

    • Hemlock, red cedar, and balsam fir are among the other trees found in British Columbia.

      铁杉 、 红香椿 、 香脂冷杉枞都是发现于英属哥伦比亚的其它树种.

    • Material to make cosmetics, skin care balsam cold cream, hair oil and etc.

      生产化妆品 、 护肤剂香脂、冷霜 、 发乳等原料.

    • Artificial Crafts, Antiques, Collectables and Antique Handicrafts Antique Imitation Crafts, Incense and Agarbatti.

      采购产品手工艺品, 古董, 牛仔裤藏的物品和古董手工艺品,仿造手艺, 香和香脂.