Restlessness, anxiety , confusion, and twitching may also precede convulsions.
惊厥前也可出现躁动,烦燥, 错觉, 抽搐等症状.
Some were standing; some seated. Some were lamenting , and in restless motion; but, these were few.
有的人站着, 有的人坐着,有的人不停地哭喊躁动, 不过哭闹的人是少数.
The restless students were on the boil again on the campus.
Then somewhere in the night a radiance again , like a vapour.
苍茫的夜色,躁动的浮云,斑驳的月光,褐色月晕, 浑然成为一体.
Once again I sensed the pullulation of which I have already spoken.
Cromwell was of the active , not the reflective temper Morley.
What was my own was the restlessness, the seething tension within me.
我个人写的东西都是烦躁不安的诗句, 在我内心深处翻腾躁动.
He makes uneasy static , the set and the still.
Yellow sand is very oppressive but blue sky is bit of restlessness.
Troubled dreams and restlessness shook his soul.
Already our nerves are fraying.
Internal silence is about being patient, quelling your inner commotion, and quieting the mind.
内心的启示需要耐心, 平复情绪上的躁动, 使心灵进入一种沉静状态.
At that moment I felt within me and around me something invisible and intangible pullulating.
The executioner , Three - Chop Nick, ducked out from and a tremor of excitement rippled through the crowd.
With surgical patients a not infrequent problem in the period is restlessness, hypertension, and tachycardia.
手术患者在术后出现躁动, 高血压和心动过速的情况并不少见.