
汉语拼音:yào lǐng




  1. 腰和脖子。引申为生命。

    《礼记·檀弓下》:“是全要领以从先大夫於九京也。” 郑玄 注:“全要领者,免於刑诛也。” 孔颖达 疏:“领,颈也。古者罪重要斩,罪轻颈刑。” 汉 赵晔 《吴越春秋·夫差内传》:“孤虽知要领不属,手足异处,四支布陈,为乡邑笑,孤之意出焉。” 宋 司马光 《辞修起居注第五状》:“臣要领如草芥,不足以待斧鉞;躯命如螻蚁,不足以脂鼎鑊。” 黄中黄 《沉荩序》:“因以思 唐才常 、 林圭 等,皆树勤王为职志以丧要领,而 藎 死独异。”

  2. 特指腰斩或枭首。

    《战国策·魏策二》:“今臣愿大王陈臣之愚意,恐其不忠於下吏,自使有要领之罪,愿大王察之。” 鲍彪 注:“要领,斩刑也。”

  3. 比喻重要的部位或区域。

    《北史·李远传》:“时 河东 初復,人情未安。 周文 以 河东 为国之要领,乃授 河东 郡守。”

  4. 中心要点;基本内容。

    宋 严羽 《沧浪诗话》附录《答出继叔临安吴景仙书》:“其间异户同门之説,乃一篇之要领。” 高尚缙 《<万国演义>序》:“乃相与裒集诸书,契其要领,汰其繁冗。” 曹禺 《日出》第三幕:“ 翠喜 看见不得要领,便废然地走到镜台旁,抓了一把瓜子。”


    • I was told that in order to get benefit payments I would have to answer some questions.


    • " Don't,'she said. " I'm taking Communion this morning. "

      “ 别摸, ” 她说, “ 今天早晨我要领圣体. ”

    • Just keep trying. You'll catch on soon.

      继续尝试, 你很快就能掌握要领.

    • I will trot you round London.


    • Ralph grasped the idea and hit the shell with air from his diaphragm.


    • As he guided Karen away, he realized that Tynan remained in step beside him.

      当他要领凯伦走开时, 他发觉泰纳恩跟在他们身后.

    • Here are five points that help me learn - and remember - whole families of words at a time.

      这里有五点要领可使我一下子学到 -- 也记住 -- 不少个字的整个语族.

    • Elements of the butterfly include pull, breath, recovery, entry and dolphin kick.

      蝶泳的泳姿动作要领包括:划水 、 呼吸 、 移臂 、 入水和海豚式打水.

    • Master basic skills: the introduction of motions for forehand and backhand strokes.

      加强基本技术: 正手拍反手拍动作要领介绍.

    • She's got what it takes to do the job.


    • Master basic skills : the introduction of motions for forehand strokes.


    • Main point: and well - distributed with strength , strong force is not allowed.

      要领: 用力和缓均匀, 不许用强力.

    • Wu explained essentials again, want two header set an example.

      孙武再次讲解了要领, 并要两个队长以身作则.

    • Recognition point two : Brains deathly stiff is unable to provide the creativity.

      识别要领 二: 头脑僵死者无法提供好创意.

    • Recognition point one : When conversation look anxiety 80 % is a novice.

      识别要领 一: 谈话时神色紧张者八成是新手.

