I was told that in order to get benefit payments I would have to answer some questions.
" Don't,'she said. " I'm taking Communion this morning. "
“ 别摸, ” 她说, “ 今天早晨我要领圣体. ”
Just keep trying. You'll catch on soon.
继续尝试, 你很快就能掌握要领.
I will trot you round London.
Ralph grasped the idea and hit the shell with air from his diaphragm.
As he guided Karen away, he realized that Tynan remained in step beside him.
当他要领凯伦走开时, 他发觉泰纳恩跟在他们身后.
Here are five points that help me learn - and remember - whole families of words at a time.
这里有五点要领可使我一下子学到 -- 也记住 -- 不少个字的整个语族.
Elements of the butterfly include pull, breath, recovery, entry and dolphin kick.
蝶泳的泳姿动作要领包括:划水 、 呼吸 、 移臂 、 入水和海豚式打水.
Master basic skills: the introduction of motions for forehand and backhand strokes.
加强基本技术: 正手拍反手拍动作要领介绍.
She's got what it takes to do the job.
Master basic skills : the introduction of motions for forehand strokes.
Main point: and well - distributed with strength , strong force is not allowed.
要领: 用力和缓均匀, 不许用强力.
Wu explained essentials again, want two header set an example.
孙武再次讲解了要领, 并要两个队长以身作则.
Recognition point two : Brains deathly stiff is unable to provide the creativity.
识别要领 二: 头脑僵死者无法提供好创意.
Recognition point one : When conversation look anxiety 80 % is a novice.
识别要领 一: 谈话时神色紧张者八成是新手.