
汉语拼音:mén tíng ruò shì

门前和院子里像集市一样。形容往来人很多,十分热闹。《战国策·齐策一》:“群臣进谏,门庭若市。” 庭:院子。


    • The door to his house used to be crowded with visitors who had since deserted him.


    • Now that she has become famous, all sorts of people will be beating a path to her door.

      现在她已经成名, 她家门庭若市.

    • Oh, it's kind a full house here. Your business is booming!

      哦, 这里真是门庭若市啊! 你的生意真兴隆!

    • Each automobile lease company bustling place, the service increases sharply.

      各个汽车租赁公司门庭若市, 业务激增.

    • Her local admirers beat a path to her door.


    • My house used to be crowded with visitors, but now visitors are few and far between.

      从前,我家总是门庭若市, 现在却是门可罗雀了.

    • His house is crowed with people who come to visit him every day.


    • Oh a full house here . I'm so glad to see you guys here!

      哦,这里真是门庭若市 啊 !见到大家真是太高兴了!

    • Today is his wedding. Many people are streaming to his house.

      今天是他的婚礼, 他家门庭若市,来往宾客络绎不绝.