汉语拼音:dà xiāng jìng tíng
- 【解释】:径:小路;庭:院子;径庭:悬殊,偏激。比喻相差很远,大不相同。
- 【出自】:《庄子·逍遥游》:“吾惊怖其言,犹河汉而无极也。大有径庭,不近人情焉?”
- 【示例】:虽然结果一样,其“因”却~。
◎鲁迅《集外集拾遗·田园思想》 - 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语;形容事物区别明显
As if in a mini-Europe, the central bank has to set a single rate for parts of the economy that are performing very differently.
澳大利亚央行必须为表现大相径庭的各个经济部门设定单一的利率,好似一个微型欧洲。But the creations He summoned up in His exhausted state were not the wholesome beasts with which He had populated Eden.
但这次,由于疲劳,他的作品与以往他为伊甸园所创造的那些美丽生命大相径庭。He began to appear in public wearing a surgical mask, and seemed to be asexual, with no significant relationships during his 20s.
他开始戴着医用口罩出现在公众视野中,样子显得不男不女,这跟他二十多岁的时候比起来已是大相径庭。In her hotel, her room turned out to be a complete oppsite to what she'd been promised to--a room with a view.
在旅馆,她的房间却和所被承诺的有一个美丽景色的房间大相径庭。Others have done similar illustrations showing how the world would be if everything was different and upside down in our lives.
其他一些类似的插画向我们展示了一个一切事物都与现实大相径庭、上下点到的世界。Her concern with the lives around her seemed so different from that of those who used to go slumming .
她对周围人们的关心与那些常假惺惺地去视察贫民区的人大相径庭。A female spider is often much larger than a male of the same species, and is sometimes quite different in appearance.
母蜘蛛通常比同种的公蜘蛛大得多,且有时在外貌上更是大相径庭。"We are going to supper, of course, " he said, with a voice that was a mockery of his heart.
“当然我们得去吃点夜宵,”他说。他的声音和他的真实情感大相径庭,成了一种嘲讽。Oliver Chadwick: We have evidence that suggests that now the planet is much dustier now than it was just a few hundred years ago.