汉语拼音:jǐng jǐng yǒu tiáo
- 【解释】:井井:形容有条理。形容说话办事有条有理。
- 【出自】:《荀子·儒效》:“井井兮其有理也。”
- 【示例】:鲁小姐上侍孀姑,下理家政,~,亲戚无不称羡。
◎清·吴敬梓《儒林外史》第十三回 - 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、补语、定语、状语;含褒义
You can rearrange the tasks as they appear in the Calendar view to help highlight specific tasks or to reduce clutter.
可以重新安排任务在“日历”视图中的显示方式,以便突出显示特定的任务或使任务井井有条。We were surprised at some of her choices, but her explanations for her decisions are seductive and enlightening.
虽然她的一些选择让人意外,但是她对她择书做出的解释却井井有条同时又发人深省。However, when I returned to Ku Village in 1995, I found a quite different situation: the unorganized village had become organized.
1995年,我再度造访古村时看到的却是另一幅截然不同的景象。本是紊乱的村落变得井井有条。"As you've seen, " she said, "everything here has to be just so. "
“你没看见吗,”她说,“这里的每件事情都是井井有条的。”"Just as if a man-any man-could keep a kitchen property, " the ladies said; so they were not surprised when the smell developed.
“好象只要是一个男子,随便什么样的男子,都可以把厨房收拾得井井有条似的。”妇女们都这样说。In brief, your life is meticulous and in good order, does not like the matter suddenly harassing your life.
总之,你的生活是一丝不苟和井井有条的,不喜欢突如其来的事情扰乱你的生活。All of my text messages are right here organized and easy to read like normal conversation.
所有的信息都在这里井井有条地储存着,而且发短信就像进行普通交谈一般。there was no undergrowth , only the smooth grass , very green and fresh , and the big gray trees well spaced as though it were a park.
没有灌木,只有青翠欲滴的、平坦的草地、灰色的参天大树之间的间距井井有条,宛如一座公园。As one writer said, the women of New England loved to have everything in its place.