
汉语拼音:luò hù



  1. 谓在某地报入户口,长期定居。

    陈毅 《喜雪祝干部下放》诗:“干部下农村,发动大建设。生根而落户,实际干改革。” 丁玲 《杜晚香·这是什么地方》:“我听部长的话,把爱人、小孩都接来了,就在这里扎根落户干一辈子了。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第一部三:“ 秦妈妈 也是 梅村镇 的人……现在是沪江纱厂的接头工,在 上海 落户了。”


    • He settled down here ten years ago.


    • It must nestle everywhere, settle everywhere, establish connexions everywhere.

      它必须到处落户,到处开发, 到处建立联系.

    • The people who settled the town called successively Terminus , Marthasville and Atlanta, were a pushy people.

      在这个先后叫做特米尔纳斯、马撒斯维尔和亚特兰大的市镇落户的人, 都是很有闯劲的.

    • After he came back from abroad, he decided to settle down in his hometown.

      从国外回来以后, 他决定在家乡安定落户.

    • He landed in Malaysia, worked hard and opened a timber business.

      他在马来西亚落户, 辛勤工作,开了一家木材场.

    • There are many - funded enterprises and high - tech enterprises have settled down xingji town.

      已有多家外资企业和 高新技术 企业落户兴济镇.

    • Baoqing have built The development zone, LUNENG GROUP is right here.

      宝清建有开发区, 鲁能集团落户在这里.

    • Recent arrivals include firms from Brazil and China.


    • In addition, one - stop services are available to projects set up in the zone.

      同时, 集聚区承诺对落户项目实行“一站式”全程服务.

    • Chuansha at Disney is about to settle down, the Chuansha land appreciation is obvious.

      在迪斯尼即将落户川沙时, 川沙的土地升值非常明显.

    • Tian Qing , after suffering from the waist, his wife settled in the village of Choi Chi.

      后田振青因腰部伤痛, 携妻在崔池村落户.

    • From 1998 to 2000, the former Chilean leader Pinochet also realized in warm place.

      1998年至2000年, 前智利领导人皮诺切特也在温特沃斯地区落户.

    • Aluminum Company of Gansu Province have Tansu Chang, and so settled in more than 40 enterprises.


    • Chinese fan also asks god Energetically China of settle of divine He Ri?

      中国球迷也问上帝:“大力神何日落户中国? ”

    • Guizhou of 500 strong company settle, it is the affirmation that builds to Guizhou investment climate.

      世界500强企业落户贵州, 是对贵州投资环境建设的肯定.