汉语拼音:dú pì xī jìng
单独开出一条 道路。比喻独创出新风格或新方法。蹊径:山路,小路。
- 【解释】:自己开辟一条路。比喻独创一种风格或新的方法。
- 【出自】:清·叶燮《原诗·外篇上》:“抹倒体裁,声调、气象、格力诸说,独辟蹊径。”
- 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语;含褒义
The pathogenesis was the wind, moist, and fieber, its main point was fieber in blood aspect diseases.
对其病机有独辟蹊径,不外风、湿、热三端,抓住要点血分有热。Inventive, amusing, magnetic, sad, alive with unforgettable men and women, and with a truth and understanding that strike the soul.
独辟蹊径,富有情趣,充满神秘和悲伤,与难忘的男男女女一起活着,带着震撼灵魂的真理和理解。Instead, a rabbit and a stoat are cleverly using an underground network of drains to make it to the other side.
独辟蹊径,一只小野兔和一只鼪鼠巧妙的利用地下排水通道过街。Some of the curator's choices seem a bit odd and the written descriptions, which add little, are occasionally heavy-handed .
馆长的一些选择似乎有些独辟蹊径,他附注的说明文字增色甚少,而且有时言不达意。Engaging and original, this book offers a pathbreaking new account of language variation, varia - tion and change.
极具权威性和原始性,这本书独辟蹊径地提供了语言获得、变异和改变的新途径。Champion the right to be yourself ; dare to be different and set your own pattern ; live your life and follow your own star .
要捍卫正确的事物,保持自己的本色;要敢于独辟蹊径,建立自己的模式;过自己的生活,跟着自己的星星走。Most spend a portion of that income on education, but many have found other creative outlets.
大部分州把其中的一部分划拨到教育事业,但也有许多州独辟蹊径,花得相当有创意。KM, however, found her way in the field of short story which had long been neglected by other British writers.
曼斯菲尔德却独辟蹊径,在一向为英国作家所冷落的短篇小说领域找到了耕耘的田地。Now, some travel companies "inventive" , organized tours to the occurrence of an earthquake, tsunami or volcanic eruption area tour.