What role the WCC will find over the next 60 years is anybody's guess; but it will plough on somehow.
再过60年,“世基联”将会担当何种角色任由人猜;但它自将设法破浪前进。The exhibit, based on the anniversary theme of "Our health, our future" , tells the story of WHO and public health over the last 60 years.
展览以庆祝活动的主题“我们的健康、我们的未来”为基础,讲述过去六十年世卫组织和公共卫生的故事。Since the first WHO Model List of Essential Medicines was developed in 1977, many countries have developed their own national list.
自1977年世卫组织制定第一份《基本药物清单》以来,许多国家也陆续制定了自己的国家药物清单。More recently, in 1955, the WHO embarked on its first malaria-eradication effort. But transmission rates in Africa seemed intractable.
在距今更近一些的1955年,世卫组织开始了第一次根除疟疾的行动,不料其在非洲的传播率貌似比较棘手。In 2010, WHO and five other consortium partners received funding from Bloomberg Philanthropies to further road safety in ten countries.
在2010年,世卫组织以及五个其它联合伙伴收到了彭博慈善基金会提供的资助,在十个国家进一步推动道路安全工作。It was in 1996 that WHO's member countries first agreed smallpox should be destroyed.
在1996年,世卫的成员国首次集体同意天花应被彻底摧毁。Vasco, who once beat Manchester United en route to the final of the Club World Cup in 2000, have fallen on hard times since.
达伽马曾经在2000年世俱杯决赛击败曼联的辉煌,而现在他们已经面临困难时期。Morocco and Turkmenistan were certified by the Director-General of WHO in 2009 as having eliminated malaria.
2009年,世卫组织总干事认证摩洛哥和土库曼斯坦已消除疟疾。Since 1998, when WHO became involved in BU control and research, considerable awareness of the disease has been created.