The famine did not last three years, as is often thought, but five years, starting in early 1958 and ending by late 1962.
饥荒并非一般人所想仅止三年,而是五年,始於1958年初,止於1962年底。n medieval and Renaissance Italy, it was often used in conjunction with a public square, as in Florence's Loggia dei Lanzi (begun 1376).
在中世纪和文艺复兴时期的意大利,敞廊常与广场相结合,像佛罗伦斯的兰齐敞廊(1376年始建)。He began his career at Mitsubishi, Lawson's biggest shareholder, in 1981 and became president of the convenience- store operator in 2002.
他的职业生涯在1981年始于三菱集团(罗森为最大的股东),然后于2002年成为这家便利店的公司总裁。They are, well, light years away from the simple incandescent bulbs the Philips brothers made when they started the business back in 1891.
他们已远不再像飞利浦兄弟1891年始做生意一样,只销售简单的白炽灯泡了。In 1872 Thomson led a scientific expedition , which lasted for four years and brought home thousands of samples from the sea .
自1872年始,汤姆逊领导了一次科学考察,这次考察进行了四年,从海洋中采集了成千上万的标本。Infrastructure companies have raised about $6. 3 billion since the beginning of 2008 on the Bombay Stock Exchange, according to Dealogic.
根据Dealogic的数据,自2008年始,基建公司已从孟买证券交易所(BombayStockExchange)募集到约63亿美元的资金。In almost all big market falls since 1951 (when quarterly GDP figures began) the crash has come in the midst of an economic recovery.
自1951年(该年始有季度GDP统计)以来,几乎所有股票市场大跌都是出现在经济复苏的中间时间段。For now, the company only has firm plans to export the Nano to Europe starting in 2011.
公司仅确定了从2011年始出口欧洲市场的计划。Site of the annual Calgary Stampede, a famous rodeo dating from1912, the city is the center of Canada's petroleum industry.