Shanghai Electric will permitted in the great reputation of its machinery industry into the press area, and go on with her brand hui huang.
上海电气将携其机械行业的威名进入印机领域,继续她的品牌辉煌。Penn as the Ivy League University to enjoy one of Wal-Mart, founded in 1740, he was the founder of.
宾大作为8个享有威名的常春藤学院之一,成立于1740年,他的创始人是本杰明。弗兰克林和费城的贵。They had come to make a name for themselves by finding riches and gold to carry home to the Queen.
他们通过发现财富和黄金并带回给皇后使自己威名远扬。Two centuries on, the navy is hoping to reclaim the memory of its greatest glory, and to polish its own reputation in the process.
两个世纪过去了,海军正希望恢复对其最伟大光辉的记忆,并在这一过程中令其威名重焕光彩。I was intimidated by its reputation of being "reach y" and perhaps it was not feasible for a small person.
我被它“reachy”(很遥远)的威名吓住了,或许矮小如我者不大可能完成。In 2011, Mr. Weldon must revive J&J's squeaky-clean image of corporate responsibility as he looks to preserve his legacy.
2011年,维尔登要想保住自己由来已久的威名,就必须重振强生无可指摘的公司责任形像。Perhaps Genghis Khan would appreciate this more than his traditional reputation as a ruthless killer.
和传说中“无情杀手”的威名相比,成吉思汗也许更欣赏这种纪念方式。Make no allusion to the past; nOR upon any occasion be induced to pronounce the names of your illustrious father OR ill-fated mother.
对谁也不要提过去的事情,在任何情形之下,都不要宣布你那威名显赫的父亲或你那可怜的妈妈的名字!Many of the Black Orcs to the east have also heard of this mighty warlord and they flock to his banner.