The more sincere a young girl's belief in goodness, the more easily she gives herself, if not to her lover, then at least to love.
少女越是相信善良就越是容易失身,如果不是失身于情人的话,至少是失身于爱情。Europa was a princess who has succumbed to the seductions of Zeus who turned into a bull.
欧罗巴原是一位公主,被变化为一头公牛的宙斯所诱惑而失身。When they see that emperor believe in a losing chastity of superior of time, as entire scared to disgrace.
当他们看到那个帝宗高手的失身的时候,一个个都大惊失色了起来。woman virginity lost heart is not terrible, terrible is to have amnesia . . . . . .
女人失身失心并不可怕,可怕的是没有失忆……I find it belittling to be reprimanded by someone so much younger than me.
我觉得,被这么个比我年龄小得多的人训斥,真太失身分了。Site by K, here early can more intuitive understanding of the adolescent girl for a virginity event!
站点过早被K,在这里可以比较直观地理解为一名花季少女的失身事件!The modern alienated education deflects from its origin, and reduces itself to the slave of economy and politics.
当代异化的教育背离了它的原点,失身为经济、政治的奴仆。Tess has experienced many hardships during her short life time. Though seduced by Alec, Tess loves Angel desperately and faithfully.
苔丝的一生,历尽了万千坎坷,体验到世间冷暖,虽失身于亚历克,但对安琪尔的爱至死不渝。Today, I got kicked in the crotch. It popped my cherry. I lost my virginity to a shoe.