Aside from meals, Tigress had to eat between them.
饭菜而外,她还得吃零食, 肚子越显形,她就觉得越须多吃好东西;不能亏着嘴.
Fifth, both the Chinese word and sentence lack overt formal features.
第五, 汉语的词汇和句子都缺乏显形的语法特征.
Now the analyzer coaxes the virus into revealing itself.
Professor, why couldn't we Apparate directly into your old colleague's house?
教授, 我们为什么不能直接幻影显形到你的老同事家里 呢 ?
According to Rowling, there will be a new Minister of Magic.
How did the Death Eaters Apparate to Voldemort in the graveyard?
那食死徒们是怎样幻影显形到伏地魔所在的那个墓地 呢 ?
Obviously, it also interfere the creation of the poet, actively or passively, implicitly or explicitly.
显然, 这种精神主动或被动 、 显形或隐性的干预着普希金的创作.
The creature is revealed attacking, but can also be spotted with magic abilities.
当生物攻击时他们会显形, 同样在魔法的痕迹下被察觉.
As the Real Rights Law promulgated, the dissensions in real estate will be more and more.
我国《物权法》出台后,物业领域的纠纷将更加显形, 这给城市规划管理带来严峻挑战.
In any case , most Wizarding dwellings are magically unwanted Apparators . At Hogwarts , for instance.
不过, 大多数巫师住宅都有魔法抵御不受欢迎的幻影显形者.
Fixed a problem that prevented Watcher Wards from being revealed by the Dust of Appearance.
Other chemicals don't appear until the paper is painted with a specific reagent.
Travel to Moonglade and use the Ward to help Clintar Dreamwalker emerge from the Emerald Dream.